Healthy Diet Benefits for Productivity

Whether you are running your business, big or small being productive is fundamental.
Last thing you want is to find yourself in chaos, overwhelmed by tasks and “to do” lists, struggling to focus and eventually running out of time.

Efficient time management, sharp mind, constant “supply” of energy and ability to stay on top of your daily game are assets no successful entrepreneur can argue with.
So how do we achieve and maintain such assets is the big question..

By making sure that we stick to providing our body with three fundamental ingredients: physical activity, rest, and of course valuable diet.

Remember, if we don’t provide our body with valuable fuel to run on we are not only building a long term risks of heart disease, cancers, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis (to name few) and slowly deteriorating our bodies but in short term perspective are already wasting whole lot of potential that we otherwise would use on daily basis.

Well then what exactly are the benefits of healthy diet when we talk about productivity?

There are so many but to name just few they are:

⦁ increased energy and alertness,
⦁ ensures a healthy immune system, which will reduce absenteeism,
⦁ improves sleep, leading to greater concentration,
⦁ can help to improve mental health,
⦁ a healthy, balanced diet can help maintain a healthy weight, which gives us an improved ability to take part in physical activities

So my 8 tips for healthy eating are:

Don’t get thirsty – this is a IRON Rule #1 – drink two litres of water a day – your body needs constant circulation of water, period.
Don’t skip breakfast – eat regular meals – there is a reason why breakfast it is called “the most important meal of a day”.
Cut down on saturated fat and sugar – there are literally NO benefits of feeding your body (and mind) with junk. That brief burst of energy with coming with sugar rush is absolutely not worth it.
Get active and maintain a healthy weight – start small, even regular walks will do at the beginning – human body is like a machine it needs to be active to be in good condition.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least five portions per day – pick few of your favourites and add them to your meals – you’ll see how eventually they will become “a norm” instead of “occasion”.
Eat more fish – nutritious value of sea food (healthy fats, proteins) is like no other – even if they cost bit more they are invaluable.
Eat less salt – as little as possible – it’s that simple.
Base meals on starchy foods – like pasta, bread, potatos – they are great source of necessery energy if in balanced amounts.

Here you have a 8 examples of snacks that boost productivity.

ALMONDS – easy to store, packed with healthy fats and proteins that will provide you plenty of calories but will not make you feel sluggish.

GREEN TEA – it is a great coffee alternative that improves your focus and keeps brain alert with a amino acids called L-theanine. On top of that green tea is boosting metabolism, lowering cholesterol, reducing
blood pressure, and improving skin health. So i so – no reason why not to have one.

BANANAS – are great source of glucose your body needs to stay productive throughout the day plus the extra energy thanks to carbohydrate.

EGGS – the corner stone of almost any valuable breakfast. Rich in vitamin B which is helping your memory and reaction time as well.

DARK CHOCOLATE – that’s my personal favourite. Yes it takes a while to get used to the sourish taste but the ingridients rich dark chocolate is a absolute must. Caffeine and sugar provides a solid source of energy throughout the day without the post-coffee jitters plus the magnesium relieve stress and stops you from getting crumps (which are the result of to much coffee).

APPLE + PEANUT BUTTER – are a great example of simple mix snack which is both energetic (apples = carbs) and nutritious (peanut butter = proteins) and apples being very rich antioxidants – so put some peanut butter on a slice of apple and enjoy a sharp mind and full stomach.

YOGHURT + GRANOLA – are great snacks to curb those late-night sugar cravings and ease hunger pains so you can be
well rested for the day ahead.
Remember that sleep is as important to your performance as the food and excersize – no question asked.

Regardless of how much knowledge you possess, how well your schedule is laid out or level of motivation
you can “inject” yourself with the bottom line is we are a physical creatures and as the old saying goes “we are what we eat”.

Keep your body fed well and it will serve you even better.

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